Industries should be in such a manner that the production should increase and so the movement of finished goods. If the principles of the Vastu are followed, that can lead to more production, increased sales.
Whatever be the industry, the principles of the Vastu broadly remains the same and should be kept in the mind while preparing the building, constructing the building, installing the machinery, turning out the products and dispatching them to the clients. Even though there are vast differences in production methods or process flow etc. in different industries but the broad principles of Vastu Shastra are universally applicable.
When an industry is facing some intangible problems and appear to be difficult to solve think for once possibility of solutions from a Vastu Expert. Some issues may be solvable and some may not be in our hands to do so. One should note a point that unsolvable issues mean they may be packed with Vastu non-compatible structure or surrounding effects.
There may be unexplained troubles frequent accidents, thefts, fire hazards, labor strikes in an industry causing constant problems. When the problems are per persistent one way or other inspite of taking all reasonable precautions it indicates that the solution is in applied correct Vaastu principles.