The starting of the month might turn out to be a bit stressful for you. You might have to face some problems in your life, that will lead to mental tension. Do not let petty issues crush your hopes and spirits. You might be in a confused state of mind, which would make it difficult for you to draw conclusions and make decisions. Obstacles might lie on your way, but you can overcome them with your hard work and self-confidence. Monetary gains are on cards for you. There might be some delay in getting the monetary benefits, but they are sure to come. You will share a cordial relationship with your near and dear ones. You will witness yourself progressing in your professional life. Your luck will favor you all the month round, but you should not depend upon your luck merely. You should try to believe in your own self and make efforts for achieving your goals. It might not be easy for you to acquire a new house or a vehicle during this month. If you want to buy them, you should avoid doing it during the first half of the month. Doing it during the latter half will be beneficial for you. Your children will have a good time and will perform well in their respective fields. You will receive some good news from your children. At your home as well as at your workplace, you should try to keep your anger in check. Think well before you speak, otherwise you might have to land into trouble. Stay away from getting embroiled in quarrels, as they will tarnish your image in the society. You should be careful as you might get entangled in arguments with your kith and kin. Tussles with close relatives will end up spoiling your mood and will lead to mental stress, which in turn will affect your health. Your enemies will try to overpower you and therefore, you should not let your guard down. You might go on a trip with your spouse during this month. The time spent with your life partner bring you closer to each other. You might have to set your foot on a business-related long journey, which will beget you fruitful results. You will get the cooperation of your life partner in all facets of your life. The transit of the planet Mars in the Zodiac Sign Pisces will maximise your monetary benefits during journeys. This transit will help you to improve your financial status, especially during the latter half of the month. Your luck will favor you in your business and career, and as a result, you will progress in your respective fields. You will not face any shortage of money during this month. Avoid unnecessary journeys as they would add to your expenses and would bring fatigue. You should remember that health is wealth. Do not neglect your health and let it be in the top of your priority list. The transit of the planet Saturn in the Zodiac sign Sagittarius might prove out to be unfavorable for your business. Therefore, you should take every step with precaution during the period of this transit. Politicians need to be very alert during the span of this month. You should not take any decision in a haste. Also, you need to be presentable and should make efforts to gain the support of the general masses if you want to gain an advantage. Do not let your image be tainted in the society as it will adversely affect you in the long run. The latter half of the month seems to be conducive for your growth and development. Thus, you should utilize this golden period to mould a bright future for yourself. The 4th,5th,13th,14th, 22nd, and 23rd of this month seen to be unfavorable for you. Erring on the side of caution, you should avoid doing any risky thing on these dates. Also, try not to set your foot on a journey on these days, unless necessary. Performing your tasks with care and patience will be favorable for you.
You will enjoy a good financial status during this month. The efforts that you put with an aim of making money will be met with success. The transit of Jupiter in the Zodiac Sign Scorpio will help you to get financially sound during the stretch of this month. Monetary gains are on cards for you. You will gain in whatever you do. The starting of the month would be a bit slow, but eventually, you will see things changing for your betterment. If you do a job, you are likely to get a promotion or a hike in salary that will boost up your confidence level. You will get the fruits of labor of the investments that you have done. You will strike it rich during this month. Business might face some ups and downs, but you should try your best to cope up with the difficulties in order to achieve your goals. You can invest your money for future use as it will ensure beneficial returns. You might start a new venture as well. You can implement any idea regarding a change in business. It will be good for you if you seek expert advice before taking any big decision. Executing your plans after 15th January will amplify the benefits. You should be cautious in matters of money, otherwise, someone can betray you and it would lead to a major loss. Avoid lending your money to others as it would not be easy for you to get it back at the time when you need it. Do not let your personal relationships spoil your professional life. Avoid including family members and relatives in your professional life. The latter half of the month will prove to be of paramount importance in making you finally sound and stable.
There is a possibility that you might have to face some health problems during this month. Try to be cautious, otherwise, you might fall the prey to infections or viral fever. Your urinary tract and respiratory system will be more susceptible to problems. It is recommended that you seek medical help if any health problem arises. Being nonchalant about your health will further worsen the conditions. Exercise regularly to keep your body fit and active.
Love/Marriage/Personal Relations
It would not be easy for you to keep your lover happy, but you should try your best to do it. Problems will arise every now and then and you should not be afraid of them. Instead, you should act maturely and sensibly in order to find a solution to them. Do not let the situation slip out of your hand, otherwise, there are chances of separation for a short period of time, which might disrupt your relationship. The transit of the planets Mercury, Saturn, and the luminary Sun in the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius might prove to be unfavorable for your love relationship. A difference in your opinion might land you in problematic situations. You should try to understand your partner and respect their opinion. The conditions will improve during the second half of the month. If you want to go out with your partner on a date, dinner, movie, long-drive, etc., you are advised to do it during the latter half of January. As predicted by the January Horoscope 2019, you will be blessed with marital harmony. You and your spouse will have a deep understanding and will share an unbreakable bond of love and trust. The cooperation of your partner will help you to overcome obstacles and to find solutions to your problems. You will bare your heart out to your spouse and they will lend you an ear. You will get favors from your in-laws during the second half of the month. You should try to maintain a good and healthy relationship with your in-laws.
Family & Friends
It is predicted that chaotic environment would prevail at your home front. There would be a disharmony in your family relationships that would lead to tension and stress in your life. You might have a difference of opinion with your parents, which might create problems in your life. There might be some disruptions in your family business if you are involved in one. Hurdles might lie on your path, but you should face them with courage. Doing this will help to overcome them. The transit of the Sun and the planet Saturn in Sagittarius might make it difficult for you to bring the peace back into the family. The tables will turn after 15th January due to change in position of the luminary Sun. You will develop a deep attachment to your father. He will be your pillar of strength during this period. It will be easy for you to develop a cordial bond with your family members during the second half of the month. Your siblings will be your helping hand and will support you whenever you need. If you maintain a harmonious relationship with your family members, you will have a sense of satisfaction and will attain mental peace. You will be worried about your children and will strive hard to ensure a better future for them. You should fulfill your duties towards your family. You will garner respect from your family members for everything that you do for them.
You should observe a fast on Friday. Immersing yourself in yoga and meditation will help you to achieve mental peace and will also help you to stay healthy. You should try to donate white colored objects on Fridays.